FAIRMATE has conducted training program for our applicators under FAIRMATE ACADEMY on waterproofing on 21 December 2019 at Fairmate academy training center, vadodara. The training was conducted from our management and technical experts to our applicators, distributors and partners.
We have conducted the training along with live demonstration on waterproofing technologies at its core. Empowering our applicators with technical know-how of our product and prevailing technology trends through a well designed technical training program.
This program has given participants a better understanding of our products, and the technical aspect of customer needs. Enabling them to provide instant and effective solution to client requirements. Training along with demonstration and knowledge of product will definitely improve their technical competency and empower them to attend the customer inquiry with suitable solutions. The solution oriented interaction encouraged the participants to express themselves freely and their active participation made the training successful.
FAIRMATE ACADEMY’s initiative has been developed on the single aim that “If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.” FAIRMATE always tries to put its efforts in best of quality construction towards our people, applicators and our customers. FAIRMATE ACADEMY is going to conduct different training programs like industrial flooring, Commercial decorative coatings, repair and rehabilitation of concrete and many construction technologies. If anyone interested for fairmate academy training program you can easily contacts us and enroll.
For more information regarding the products visit our website www.fairmate.com
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